We can use Rajkaj App through the SSO portal. For this, first we have to open the SSO portal website https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in. On clicking the login/register link on the SSO portal website, the login screen opens. Enter your username, password and the given security code and click on login button and your SSO portal dashboard will open. Then in the dashboard search for Rajkaj IPR App and click on it, which will open Rajkaj IPR dashboard.
In the Rajkaj IPR module first we should update the profile, for which click on the link ‘Update Profile’ displayed on the right upper portion of dashboard. In profile update section check the correctness of the informaton displayed and modify it if required. Then check declaration check box and click on update button. It will update the user profile and return to the IPR File section.
File Immovable Property Return (IPR) in Rajkaj
If you not have any immovble property in the name of self, spouce or any depandent then check the diclaration check box of not having any immovable property and click on submit button. It wil open a confirmation page with details of your filed property as nill. Read and check the details and click on confirm button. Now the work is done, your IPR is filed. Click on logout button on upper right portion and logout of your acount.
And if you have any immovable property in the name of self, spouce or any depandent, then fill the location detail, mode of aquire, type, and current value in Rupees of the property. If you have multiple properties then click on add property and fill the above details of each property seperatlly. When you finished adding all the immovable properties in the name of self, spouce and dependents, click on submit button. It will display the confirmation page with the details of your added properties. Varify the details, modify by going back if required, otherwise click on confirm buttton. Now the work is done, your IPR is filed. Click on logout button on upper right portion and logout of your acount.