प्रयोगशाला संवर्ग

प्रयोगशाला तकनीशियन (एलटी) > Senior Laboratory Technician (SLT) > Technical Assistant (TA) > Senior Technical Assistant (STA)

प्रयोगशाला तकनीशियन (एलटी)

Job Responsibilities – click here

भर्ती की विधि

1. Direct Recruitment (85%) –

Qualification & Eligibility –

1.Senior Secondary in science with either Biology or Mathematics or its equivalent

2.diploma in Medical Lab Technician from an Institute recognized by the State Government / Central Government/Rajasthan Para Medical Council

3.Registered in Rajasthan Para Medical Council

2. Departmental Promotion (15%) –

Qualification & Eligibility –

1. Senior Secondary in Science with either Biology or Mathematics or its equivalent with diploma in Medical Lab Technician from an Institute recognized by the State Government / Central Government / Rajasthan Para Medical Council.
or Secondary or its equivalent with 9 Months Training Certificate from an Institute recognized by the Government

2. Registered in Rajasthan Para Medical Council

3. As regards criteria for promotion against 15% reserve quota, the persons who have trained earlier shall be given preference and in case the year of training is same then the length of service shall be given preference.

4. If suitable departmental employees are not available for promotion such posts shall be filled in by direct recruitment.

Senior Laboratory Technician (SLT)

Job Responsibilities – click here

भर्ती की विधि

1. Departmental Promotion (100%) –

5 years‘ service on the post of Lab Technician (LT)

Technical Assistant (TA)

भर्ती की विधि

1. Departmental Promotion (100%) –

5 years‘ service on the post of Senior Lab Technician (SLT)

Senior Technical Assistant (STA)

भर्ती की विधि

1. Departmental Promotion (100%) –

5 years‘ experience on the post of Technical Assistant (TA)

Laboratory Assistant

Job Responsibilities – click here

भर्ती की विधि

1. Direct Recruitment (100%) –

Qualification & Eligibility –

1.Senior Secondary in Science with either Biology or Mathematics or its equivalent

2.Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology from an Institute recognized by the State Government.

Job Chart of Laboratory Technician (LT)


Job Chart of Senior Laboratory Technician (SLT)


Job Chart of Laboratory Assistant (LA)


Job Chart of Microbiologist

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