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How to file APAR in Rajkaj

We can use Rajkaj App through the SSO portal. For this, first we have to open the SSO portal website On clicking the login/register link on the SSO portal website, the login screen opens. Enter your username, password and the given security code and click on login button and your SSO portal dashboard will open. Then in

How to file Immovable Property Return (IPR) in Rajkaj

We can use Rajkaj App through the SSO portal. For this, first we have to open the SSO portal website On clicking the login/register link on the SSO portal website, the login screen opens. Enter your username, password and the given security code and click on login button and your SSO portal dashboard will open. Then in

How to download salary (pay) slip / GA55 in IFMS 3.0

We can use IFMS 3.0 through the SSO portal. For this, first we have to open the SSO portal website On clicking the login/register link on the SSO portal website, the login screen opens. Enter your username, password and the given security code and click on login button and your SSO portal dashboard will

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